Assignment task:
Upload your analytical research report proposal here.
In order to do well on the report proposal, you need to narrow down your topic sufficiently that you will be able to do targeted, specific research on the topic and get detailed results that can be applied to a specific industry or business sector. This may mean that you also need to learn more about a certain type of business, in order to start developing a better understanding of some of the impacts of the new development that you are exploring.
You will have to carry out some initial research to educate yourself about the topic and get a good idea of where you want to go with this topic. You need to explain your plan to your instructor in a way that is easy to understand, polished, and professional.
Proposal Contents
The proposal should include the following elements:
A polite opening request for approval of the topic, including an introduction to the topic and the plan for the project, with a justification of why the topic is a good choice as a current issue that individual businesses need to respond to and a clear rationale for how your project will make a contribution to businesses being more prepared for the future of work and the marketplace. You need to include a clear research question that your analytical report will answer.
Background: A detailed summary of what you have researched about the topic so far, with an overview of your findings until this point (literature review). You should be using at least 6 sources and incorporate APA-style citations
Research Methods: Identify the different research techniques you will be using to complete the project; note that you are not limited to online research, and could include other techniques like depth interviews
Project Plan: 1) A detailed outline of your sections and subsections, with basic information about what you will cover within each section. 2) Your schedule/work plan for completing the report, with a list of the stages you will go through and completion deadlines for each of the dates. 3) A statement of the project limitations, in terms of what you anticipate any challenges or difficulties in the project will be and what information likely will not be available or accessible 4) An outline of any additional support or resources you will need (from your instructor, fellow students, NAIT or elsewhere), with an action plan for how you are going to access them.
End the letter with a friendly close (something about how you are looking forward to working on the project, or thanking your instructor in advance for their feedback and support), and sign off with "Sincerely," or "Regards," with your name on the line below.
Include another page for References in 7th edition APA style.