What are the impact of the determinants on your health

Assignment task: Describe how the 12 Determinants of Health affect your life: Positive or Negative

  • Income and social status
  • Social support networks
  • Education and literacy
  • Employment and working conditions
  • Physical Environments
  • Biological and Genetic Endowment
  • Individual health practices and coping skills
  • Healthy child development
  • Health Services
  • Gender
  • Culture
  • Social environments

I'm not sure how to go about this one below..

Make a visual representation of the impact of the determinants on your health.  (Examples include a wheel with 12 spokes, a graph, or any other creative way that you can depict the 12 determinants of health in your life)

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Other Subject: What are the impact of the determinants on your health
Reference No:- TGS03385203

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