
What are the images about what messages are conveyed about

English Assignment

Activity: Select and watch 3 music videos, 1 each from 3 different music genres (for example, 1 hip hop, 1 country western, 1 EDM). Write one paragraph about each video to discuss these questions about the videos you selected, and give specific examples, and then one paragraph to compare/contrast/analyze across the 3 videos.

1. Who is being represented and how? Who is "missing"?

2. What is the target audience?

3. What is the content of the lyrics about? What are the images about? What messages are conveyed about gender and sexuality? Are hegemonic masculinity and emphasized femininity evident? How? What about other masculinities and femininities?

4. Do you notice any connections with race and class?

5. What is your overall analysis of what this video/these videos?

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Other Subject: What are the images about what messages are conveyed about
Reference No:- TGS02418579

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