What are the ICD-10-CM and Admit diagnosis and principal diagnosis... and ICD10 pcs code.
What are the ICD-10-CM and Admit diagnosis and principal diagnosis and any secondary diagnoses? Provide them with their codes.
A 90 year-old man was brought to the emergency department after falling at home with minor injuries sustained to his face and hands. The man, who was very alert and oriented for his age, stated that he was feeling increasingly tired with each day, causing him to sleep 10-12 hours a day. He also stated that he had lost his appetite and felt slightly nauseated all the time. He described symptoms of dehydration, which were proven by examination and laboratory findings. Intravenous hydration was started. Other laboratory tests showed evidence of chronic kidney disease, stage 4, and liver enzymes were markedly abnormal. The patient was admitted with the diagnosis of dehydration. Further workup revealed a mass at the head of the pancreas and a lesion in the liver. Because the patient did not want surgery or aggressive chemotherapy or other treatments, he received supportive and comfort care only. The patient and his family consented to hospice care at home and the patient was discharged. The physician's final diagnosis included the statement "probable carcinoma of the pancreas and liver metastasis based on radiologic studies and the patient's symptomatology, not a candidate for surgical or aggressive treatment.