
What are the health implications for priority population


Format of Paper:

• Around 4 pages, double spaced,

• 1-inch margins and spelling/ grammar reviewed.

• The professional writing style is expected- complete sentences; appropriate vocabulary that demonstrates your knowledge/ familiarity with the material.

• APA style format and citation style required.

You will need to READ through the articles and analyze each section of the article.

Remember the purpose is to help you better understand "what works" for your primary audience. You should have a good understanding of the types of messages needed to reach your primary audience after reading the two articles.

For Each article include the following:

1. Title: what is the title of the study?

2. Author(s):

3. Introduction:

1. What is the health issue/ problem that this health communication strategy intends to address?

2. What are the health implications for the priority population?

4. Literature Review:

1. Does the literature review use a theoretical framework? If so, which one(s)?

2. Does it reveal gaps in the knowledge which this research will fill? What is it?

3. Provide a short description of the background research/ literature this study builds upon.

5. Aim

1. Do you have a clear idea of what the study tried to achieve and why? What is the purpose/ aim of this article?

6. Description of the Primary Audience:

1. Knowledge, attitudes, beliefs about the prevention behavior (e.g. vaccination)

2. Perceived risk, susceptibility, the severity of illness,

3. self-efficacy/ sense of control regarding accessing the vaccine

4. Readiness for practicing desired behavior to prevent disease/ exposure.

5. Health literacy- understanding of why important, risks/benefits of the vaccine

6. Barriers/ facilitators experienced by the audience to practice desired behavior (e.g. getting a vaccine).

7. Description of the Intervention/ Strategy or Research Methods:

1. What was the strategy that was implemented in the study?

2. What were the goals/ objectives of this strategy?

3. What was the intervention hoping to achieve? Be specific. How? (E.g. change knowledge/attitudes or beliefs; increase resources; build social networks etc).

4. Provide details of the strategy so that readers and classmates can understand what was done and how.

1. How many sessions?

2. What were the main themes/ components of the strategy?

3. Who were the stakeholders?

4. What settings did this occur?

5. In what ways were the strategies adapted to meet the needs of the key audience?

6. Was it successful? Why or why not?

8. Research Design:

1. Describe the participants (age/ demographics/ location etc);

2. How did the authors evaluate the strategy? Surveys/ Focus groups etc.

9. Discussion:

1. Have the results/ findings been interpreted in relation to the evaluation and aims? What conclusions do the authors make?

2. Did the authors highlight important results and how these are useful to practice?

10. In general:

1. Does the author discuss disparities and/or inequities that may exist among population groups?

2. Does the author discuss/ acknowledge barriers that some participants may have and how to address these?

3. Does the author discuss the role of culture and/or background?

11. What information from these articles will you apply to your health communication material/ plan? Why or why not? Be specific and provide details/ support.

12. Are there any competing messages or obstacles that prevent/limit vaccination among this population? If so, what are they?

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Biology: What are the health implications for priority population
Reference No:- TGS03184647

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