
What are the head start performance standards


What are the Head Start performance standards? Why are the Head Start programs more regimented than private preschools? How does this allow for differentiation in the various developmental stages of a child?

The performance standards cover major areas such as: a) Early Childhood development and Health Services: By ensuring that all learning activities are developmentally appropriate and appropriate assessments made, insurance of readiness for kindergarten is provided. Attention to health and scrreenings is also made (Morrison, 2009). b) Family and Community Parternships: Parents and community members make important contributions.

They are involved in the operation of the Head Start program and serve on the board (Morrison, 2009). c)Program Management and Operations: must deliver high quality child development services to all students. Peer reviews are done every three years (Morrison, 2009). There are also standards of learning which are employed which focuses on literacy, language and numeracy (Morrison, 2009)

Most likely the reason Head Start is more regimented is because there is constant monitoring. Every three years a community survey is conducted to determine the program's strengths and weaknesses. If the latter are found, adjustments can be made. Additionally, close monitoring is necessary to be sure that the program complies with all performance standards mandated by the agencies which run them. Private preschools may be run simply by an individual owner. Though staff development is necessary there too, the monitoring is no where near as stringent.

Morrison tells us that the Education Advisory committee develops the locally designed syllabus called "Setting our Sights." This committee is comprised of Head Start parents, staff, community educators, public school partners and representatives of the early childhood community.

Additionally, the Outcomes framework guides preschool staff in their classes. They use multiple sources of information to gain a clear picture of the child so they can individualize programming. When an individual approach is used, it allows for acceptance of the different levels of development in the classroom (Morrison, 2009).


Morrison, G.S. (2009) Early Childhood Education Today, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Publishing

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