
What are the governments policies regarding the use of net

Does the government appear to have any investments that are considered risky? Explain.

What are the types of internal service funds reported and did any of the internal service funds report a significant operating surplus or deficit for the year?

Were any of the government's enterprise funds profitable for the year and if so, what are the government's policies regarding the use of net income or net earnings?

Does the government have pledged revenues or revenue bonds that are related to any of the enterprise funds?

Describe the main sources of revenue for (1) the governmental activities and (2) the business-type activities of the government entity. Where in the CAFR can this information be located?

What is the accounting basis for recognizing revenues? How can the reader determine this basis?

Does the government entity report deferred or unearned revenues, deferred outflows of resources, or deferred inflows of resources? What are they?

Does the government collect revenue from property taxes? What is the property tax rate, when are property taxes due, and when do penalties and interest accrue?

What are the ending fund balances by category for each of the major funds presented?

Does the government classify expenditures by function or object, and does it differ significantly in the government-wide financial statements versus the government funds financial statements?

What are the Other Financing Sources and Uses the government entity reported in the governmental funds financial statements?

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Financial Management: What are the governments policies regarding the use of net
Reference No:- TGS02310556

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