
What are the goals with pharmacotherapy


You are practicing in the walk-in clinic and your first patient of the morning is a 64-year-old female who presents today with complaints of abrupt onset of sleeplessness, productive cough, shortness of breath, and chills. She has a history of tobacco dependence (1 pack per day for 35 years). Past medical history is otherwise unremarkable. She does not take any medications. Vital signs include: blood pressure 132/86, pulse 95, oral temperature of 99.8, oxygen saturation of 93% on room air. Exam today reveals mild tachypnea, diminished breath sounds to left posterior chest, and dullness with percussion to left lower lobe. You suspect community acquired pneumonia CBC and chest x-ray are pending.

1. What are the common typical and atypical bacterial pathogens involved with community acquired pneumonia, why are these important to know and how do they differ in presentation?

2. What are the goals with pharmacotherapy when treating pneumonia?

3. What comorbidities may affect treatment of pneumonia and how?

4. What antibiotic therapy would be best for this patient and why? Make sure to include class, drug, formulation, dose, route, frequency and duration of therapy. (You will lose points if not specific, no rationale and/or list multiple regimens).

5. What is the most common bacterial pathogen responsible for pneumonia in middle-school aged (adolescent) children and what would your treatment recommendation be for an adolescent with pneumonia (be specific on class, drug, dose, frequency, duration, etc)?

6. Please cite your references used for this assignment. Must include guideline as one of your references.

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Reference No:- TGS03420234

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