The Sony Data Breach Attacks 2011-2014
a) Briefly review (6W's) the triple data breach attacks at Sony in 2011 and then the 2014 Sony attack citing the security weaknesses that were exploited each case?
b) What were the consequences of all the above attacks?
c) With the aid of diagrams, show how Sony could have better protected their "pre-released movies" by building security rings around the movie files using a defense in depth strategy.
d) What are the global issues that Sony faced in all the above.
e) Comment on the security culture at Sony more so considering that Sony is one of the leading technology company yet has had at least 4 attacks in the recent past and the lessons learnt from this case study?
For "C" about diagrams, you can talk about this:

Some References-
Who Hacked Sony? New Report Raises More Questions About Scandalous Breach
Massive Security Breach At Sony -- Here's What You Need To Know
Attachment:- Chapter 2.rar