
What are the general conditions that an acceptable

Instructions for Short Writing Assignment

You will write a 5-7 page paper in response to the question posted below.

Format: Please format your paper with 1 inch margins, a standard 12-point font (such as Times New Roman or Calibri), and double-spaced text. No bibliography is required for this paper.

You will be citing only the readings from class. Do not draw on any outside sources (especially NO INTERNET RESOURCES); only the readings and your notes from class. (Drawing on outside sources will count against your grade.

And using anything from the internet will result in an F) I will show you how to put page references into your paper in class.

You also need not include the ‘standard' introduction and conclusion paragraphs that your high school english teachers taught you to use. Just get directly to answering the questions.

Prompt: What is the distinction between general and special moral duties? And what role do these concepts play in the Euthyphro?

In other words, where do they come up in the dialogue and what seems to be the point(s) Plato's trying to make with them?

What are the general conditions that an acceptable philosophical definition or expression of the essence of something must satisfy?

What is Euthyphro's third definition of Piety?

How does it fail? Please express its failure in two different ways. How is philosophy defined by Socrates in the Apology? And how does it emerge out of the story Socrates tells about his attempt to refute the oracle at Delphi?

In response to this last question, be sure you explain the three things called wisdom and how they are the same and how they are different.

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Other Subject: What are the general conditions that an acceptable
Reference No:- TGS02913078

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