
What are the future directions of health it


You have just been hired as a clinical informatics leader for a new health system. The health system has 23 acute care facilities and 36 outpatient clinics. It serves as a regional referral center for three states in the Midwest. Your installed base includes a vendor-supplied EHR from a national vendor. Work on the data warehouse is being rethought. Your site has more than 300 varying applications across sites, including everything from a stand-alone pharmacy application for drug interactions to a cancer registry. Your goal is to provide IT support for the organizational vision of being the premier health organization in patient safety for the region. Your goal is also to provide predictive analytics for patient care for your ICUs. One of the first things you want to do is to plan for the future of IT.

i. What are the future directions of health IT.

ii. Discuss how you can use methodologies from future research to plan for your preferred future directions

iii. Outline steps to introduce the chief executive officer to nano technology and its potential impact on the organization.

iv. You want to increase collaborative work with a local university. What future directions for education do you think are most important as CIO, Chief information officer; ICU, intensive care units.

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Computer Network Security: What are the future directions of health it
Reference No:- TGS03215851

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