
What are the four primary methods of raising revenues to pay


A. Debate the advantages and disadvantages of government involvement in health care. In choosing a side, include financing and provision of health care services in your response.

B. What are the four primary methods of raising revenues to pay for health services, and how are they used in NHS and NHI systems? What lessons did China learn about fully funding health care for its population?

C. The Commission to Build a Healthier America found that non-Hispanic Whites were more likely to be in very good or excellent health than were other groups nationally and in almost every state. In addition, the health status of non-Hispanic Whites was better than that of adults in any other racial or ethnic group at every level of education, but all groups had better health at higher educational levels. What are some of the determinants that are likely contributing to this disparity in health between non-Hispanic Whites and other groups after controlling for different educational levels? What might cause Hispanics to have some of the lowest education levels, leading to higher unhealthy behaviors?

D. What is the difference between individual- and population-based prevention efforts? For population-based prevention, what is the difference between universal and targeted strategies?

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