What are the four key process in observational learning


Go beyond memorization be able to apply the concepts

• Explain the role Attention plays in Cognition- making sure to include concepts such as scanning and capture

• Describe multitasking

• How does Distraction impact memory

• What is Dichotic Listening how is it impacted by

o cocktail party effect
o capacity

• How does The Stroop Effect demonstrate a cognitive process? Be specific! How is it theorized to work?

• Review the different Theories of Attention

• Create examples of both Inattentional Blindness, Change Blindness and blindsight

• What is Consciousness

• Describe what it means to learn

• How can you improve learning

• Define Classical Conditioning including all the components and then create a unique example

• Define Operant Conditioning including all the components and then create a unique example

• Compare and contrast Reward and punishment- give an example of each

• Review schedule of reinforcements and Types of Consequences

• Explain the Role Motivation plays in learning

• Create an example of Conditioned taste aversion -

• What are the four key process in Observational learning

• What are the different types of memory and how can they be tested?

• Compare and contrast Atkinson & Shiffrin And Baddeley's models

• Explain how levels of processing impacts memory Levels of processing including the Self-Reference Effect

• Explain how interference influence memory

• How does the order of presentation of material influence learning and memory?

• How can you utilize encoding-specificity and state dependent principle to increase memory?

• How do emotions impact memory?

• Compare and contrast declarative and procedural memory and the subtypes

• What is memory capacity and what can we do to increase it?

• Compare Atkinson and Shiffrin's original multimodal model of memory to Baddeley's current model that includes working memory

• Describe the different types of Amnesia and the impact of time

• Describe what the 2 type of amnesia tell us about memory? Go beyond definitions- think about studies presented in lecture

• How is visual imagery examined using Mental Rotation- Utilize research to describe this phenomenon

• What is The Imagery Debate? Explain it in depth and how identify and describe how specific research has supported the different sides

• What are Cognitive Maps and how accurate are they?

• Describe the spatial Framework theory and how it relates to cognitive maps

• What is False memory and why is memory likely to be flawed

• How does research support the idea that Memory is reconstructive

• Describe The Roediger & McDermott research and explain why it occurs- This will mean you will have to utilize a THEORY

• Describe the 2 parallel forms of how information is encoded and explain how that impacts memory

• Describe the post misinformation effect and what effects it

• Give an example of Misinformation acceptance

• How does arousal relate to memory- remember the curve and weapons effect

• Describe the problems with eyewitness testimony

• Describe the wording effect and how it can influence memory and eyewitness testimony

• Identify how eyewitness testimony can be improved

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

(1) The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

(2) The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

(3) Also include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Other Subject: What are the four key process in observational learning
Reference No:- TGS03051603

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