
What are the financial costs of patient

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Case Study

What are the financial costs of patient transfer based on this medical condition? Factor all related cost and determine if the request to transfer to another facility is cost-effective.

Example of the work

The transferring of patients whether they're stable or not is extremely dangerous and not taking into consideration the best interest of the patient or their families; especially is one hasn't been classified as stable yet or have not gone throughout he proper protocol before being released. Because a situation is liable to change within an instant when transporting a patient and what if the medical professionals that are doing so don't have what's needed to overcome these changes during the different phases of one being transferred.

Not to mention the extensive burden of cost on the patient and or their family that this can bring. To alleviate some of the financial strain there's always the option of based on income payment plans, dependent on the facility some hospitals may partially foot the bill, and other avenues are researching all federal, state, and county financial medical assistance and implementing them for patients.

Now, through the EMTALA or The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act states anyone with an emergency can not be denied treatment due to payment inabilities (www.acep.org). Under this law there are guidelines hospitals must abide by AOL otherwise face fines. So, when transferring a patient the initial hospital must include all discharge and follow up paperwork and the hospital awaiting the patient should have inpatient admissions and emergency departments related to the transition of care (Baker & Baker, 2014, p. 352).


American College of Emergency Physicians, (2014), EMTALA: Main Points. Retrieved from www.acep.org/News-Media-top-banner/EMTALA/
Baker, J.J., & Baker, R.W. (2014). Health Care Finance: Basic Tools for Nonfinancial Managers (4th ed.) (pg.352). Dallas, TX: Michael Brown.

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Finance Basics: What are the financial costs of patient
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