
what are the features found in cadfeatures

What are the features found in CAD

Features generally found in a CAD package involve:

- 2D and 3D modelling

- Wire frame

- Library of parts that can be used in new drawings

- Ability to link with computer-aided manufacture (CAM)

- Validation and verification of designs against original specification

- Facility to calculate the cost of producing the article

- Facility to calculate the mass of the actual object once built

- Features for example colour, rotation, zoom, etc.

- Simulation of designs without the need to build a prototype

- create engineering drawings from solid models

- Export and Import to allow the exchange of data with other software packages

- Kinematics (i.e. check moving parts in assemblies don't interfere with each other)

- Routing of hoses and cables.


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Computer Graphics: what are the features found in cadfeatures
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