
What are the far-reaching ramifications to your generation


Let's continue connecting the dots with wealth, cash, productivity, currency wars, debt, credit, bubbles, technology, and bridge over to ENTITLEMENTS.

Using the definition of MONEY is compensation for work, for risk taking, for accumulation of knowledge and capital and DEBT represents used up output, but must be paid in future output.

What are the motives and intentions of entitlements in this country? i.e. Welfare, food stamps, affordable care, Medicare, Section 8 housing, etc. What has changed where more and more people including generations remain on entitlements? What are incentives to stay on them?

As Elon Musk and some new politicians consider universal basic income or some call, wealth redistribution. How is it productive to give someone money on the front end for no obligation on the back end? How have the original motives and intentions changed?

How will these programs be funded? The UNFUNDED obligations/liabilities outside of the 21 Trillion dollar debt in the news is more than 255 Trillion. If reportedly 53% of the population are paying income taxes and 47% are not, when does the music stop and the chairs are gone?

How is this ethical and moral to society?

What are the intended and unintended consequences of this public policy? How do unfunded pensions, student loans/debt, automobile loans/debt affect the outcomes?

What are the far-reaching ramifications to your generation? Where have the breadwinner jobs gone: are the unemployment figures correct?

Money represents time and effort, the recompense or payment must follow the effort, not the other way around.

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Business Management: What are the far-reaching ramifications to your generation
Reference No:- TGS03331543

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