What are the facts of the case what is the constitutional

Assignment: We spent a fair amount of time in this course covering civil liberties, but we did not spend much time on one very important and controversial area: the right to privacy. This assignment will allow you to remedy that deficiency.

Choose one of the following right-to-privacy Supreme Court cases: Griswold v. Connecticut, Roe v. Wade, Lawrence v. Texas.

Go to oyez website. Using the search bar at the top, find your chosen case, and click on the "Oral Argument" links. Listen to (or read the transcript of) the actual oral arguments presented to the Supreme Court for the case.


Write an essay answering the following questions:

1) What are the facts of the case?

2) What is the constitutional question that the Court must answer?

3) Which side's arguments did you find most convincing, and why? You need to cite specific arguments from the Oral Arguments you find convincing and defend them against the opposing side.

4) What decision did the Court actually make, and why?

The essay should be from 750 to 1000 words in length.

Properly cite all referenced material, including course readings. Make sure they are cited accurately and correctly, using MLA format.

Only typed essays will be accepted. Use a standard 12pt font with 1-inch margins, double-spaced.

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Dissertation: What are the facts of the case what is the constitutional
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