
What are the expected values of the individual minerals

Problem: An igneous rock contains three minerals in the following proportions by weight: albite (50%), quartz (30%) and biotite (20%). If the "whole rock" 5180 value is +8.0%o and the minerals crystallized and equilibrated oxygen isotopes at a temperature of 700°C, what are the expected 6130 values of the individual minerals? For this problem, assume that the 1000*|n(u min-H20) versus Tfor oxygen isotopes relationship in albite is the same as 'Alkali Feldspar' and that the 1000*|n(o min-H20) versus Tfor oxygen isotopes relationship for biotite is the same as 'Muscovite.'


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Science: What are the expected values of the individual minerals
Reference No:- TGS03416189

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