Watch this video "Cops and Ethics: In the Line of Duty, Volume 13".
Research a peer reviewed journal article that describes an ethical issue that occurred or could occur during a proactive or reactive law enforcement investigation.
• Klockars (1984) describes police control as authority, power, persuasion and force. What are the ethical standards that come with this control?
• What is the difference between the formal code of ethics for police officers and the police subculture? Are the two at odds with each other? Why or Why not?
• Describe the investigation you researched. What ethical issue was presented? Why was the issue tempting? How do officers get lured into ethical dilemmas? Does police control as decribed by Klockars have anything to do with the ethical dilemma described in the article? Why or why not? Did the police subculture play a role in the investigation? Had the officers followed the formal code of ethics would the outcome have been different? Why or Why not?