
What are the essential concepts ideas andor insights

Blog #1 (due Wednesday): Post your blog following the directions below (20 points possible) Peer Feedback (due Friday): 2 comments to peers' blogs (5 points possible)

While we have learned that technologies have impacted societies for thousands of years, our current connections with technology are vastly changing our interactions with each other, the jobs we do, and the like. Find an online news article related to changes in technology that is interesting to you.

In 400 words write your blog answering the questions outlined below and submit to the Blog #1 - Technology forum. Carefully review the blog guidelines and grading rubric before you begin.

What are the essential concepts, ideas, and/or insights presented by the author of the article? (No quotations! Paraphrase and cite your sources.)

What connection can you make to the course concepts and ideas related to technology, innovation, and social change? (No quotations! Paraphrase and cite your sources.)

How might we best adapt to new technologies? What new type of society may come from the changes? What additional research or ideas on this topic should be explored?

You are encouraged to add images to your blog post such as photos, graphs, or other visuals that help make your points.

Please be sure to include a link to your article in your blog post and cite your sources from the week's materials.

For peer responses, focus on giving feedback on what other connections to the course materials the blog could make.

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Dissertation: What are the essential concepts ideas andor insights
Reference No:- TGS02718293

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