
What are the elements of the responsible party model

Discuss the below:

1. What are the elements of the responsible party model? How well does the American party system meet airs model degree that the American system does not meet the model, why is this true? Would our political system be bettor the American party system met the standards of the responsible party modei?

2. What are the different types of interest groups? Which types of interest groups are the most susceptible to the free Ades problem?

3. What features distinguish voters from nonvoters? Why don't some people vote and what is being done to improve voter turnout?

4. People who live in states that are dominated by one political party often argue that their vote doesn't count Is this an accurate argument?

For example, Massachusetts is currently and has historically been a Democratic state- In a presidential election, one can virtually guarantee that all of the electoral votes in Massachusetts will go to the Democratic candidate. So is this argument correct?

5. From the time we are born, many things shape our political attitudes and beliefs. Discuss how our opinions are formed. What aspect of political socialization do you believe has the biggest impact on opinions? Why?

6. Blogs, Twitter FaCebook, and a host of other news and social media sites have allowed average citizens to become newsmakers Is thiS a good or bad thing'? is the increase in citizen journalism leading to inaccuracies n reporting? Or can we trust that Americans will consider the Source- and verify antnrljuestionable information they read on a Nog?

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Other Subject: What are the elements of the responsible party model
Reference No:- TGS01960280

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