
What are the eight core files of human resources management


1. More and more healthcare organizations are engaging in some form of incentive compensation, at least for their managers. How do you feel about incentive compensation? Let us make you hospital CEO for today. How would you design an incentive compensation program for the members of your own management team?

2. What are the eight core files of human resources management, and how is each of these used in managing the human resources of a healthcare organization?

3. Review the website of the American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration.


What steps would you take to prepare yourself for a career as human resources director or vice president for human resources in a U.S. healthcare facility? What professional credential do professionals in these roles typically seek? Would you personally be interested in this career path? Why, or why not?

4. Review the website of the Healthcare Financial Management Association:


What is the role of this organization in modern healthcare leadership? What professional growth opportunities do they offer their members? Would you personally consider a career path involving Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA)? Why, or why not?

5.Explain the difference between financial accounting and managerial accounting. Provide at least one practical example of each for your own healthcare organization or a healthcare organization in your community of interest to you.

6.How would you describe the purpose of internal consulting in a modern healthcare organization? As CEO, CEO, or senior manager, what steps would you take in implementing internal consulting for your own healthcare facility?

Your response should be at least 300 words in length. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Any references or citations used should be in APA style. Please include at least two peer-reviewed articles as references.

7. The textbook makes a distinction between marginal practitioners and limited practitioners in the field of chiropractics. Within these two categories, one is considered to have a low social status and the other a high social status. Should such distinctions be applied to the profession? Please defend your position with supporting facts and references.

8. Historically, what struggles have nurses faced while trying to achieve professionalization? Describe the struggles nurses still face today.

9. What are some methods doctors have used to try and control acupuncture? What factors have helped or hindered them in this attempt.

10. Some would argue that alternative health providers are not true practitioners. Discuss your position in agreement or disagreement with this viewpoint.

11. Is stem cell research a benefit or an invasion on human life? Please defend your position with supporting facts and references.

12. Guinea Pigging refers to soliciting the participation of healthy individuals in clinical drug trials for financial incentives. Do you agree with this practice? Defend your position with supporting facts and references.

13. Of the three types of boards (Institutional Review Board, Professional Ethics Committee, Community Advisory Board) which would you see the most benefit in being a part of, and why? Discuss your preference in detail.

Unit VI provided an introduction into the roles of those who practice medicine. This assignment will begin part one of three component projects that will be due during the last week of the course (Unit VIII). Prepare a two to three page paper discussing your views on whether today's doctors exhibit characteristics of proper or improper medical training. In your response, address the following issues:

• Values toward their profession
• Ethical conduct
• Relationship with patients (bedside manner)
• Cultural competence
• Fair treatment

In your conclusion, discuss possible considerations to include in medical training reform efforts. Please be sure to cite all references using APA format.

Unit VII Scholarly Activity

Provider Project Part II

Consider all of the professions that were introduced as alternative in this unit and compare them against the mainstream professions. Choose an alternative profession that you believe should be considered as mainstream. Discuss any recent advancements or improvements over the years that would qualify the profession.

Your response should be at least 300 words in length. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Be sure to include at least two scholarly sources as references. Any references or citations used should be in APA style.

Unit VIII Scholarly Activity

Provider Project Part III

Select the profession of medicine, an alternative profession, or a mainstream profession from the textbook or of your own preference.

(If you choose a profession that is not in the textbook, you must provide proof that the profession that you have chosen falls under one of the above mentioned categories). Research past and current practices that have taken place as they relate to issues with bioethics and discuss the following issues:

• Have there been any reports of unethical practices within the profession recently? (Select and discuss only one).

• Were there any past incidents of unethical practices? (Select and discuss only one).

• Are issues of bioethics addressed in the guidelines of their governing bodies and/or associations? (American Medical Association, American Nurses Association, etc.). If so, what are they? What are the consequences of violating the guidelines?

• What recommendations would you make to the professional governing body for this profession to both maintain and improve the standards of ethical practice in this profession?

Your paper should be at least three pages, with supporting facts, citations, and references in APA format.

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Microeconomics: What are the eight core files of human resources management
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