
What are the effects of the patriarchyafter writing some


Question #1: How is "Patriarchy" defined?

• The first segment of our discussion leadership will start off with asking the students to talk amongst their groups and try to define what the "patriarchy" is.

• To do this they may either come up with their own ideas or draw directly from the text. Regardless, the intention here is for the students to take a moment to ponder on what the "patriarchy" is and get them to discuss it with their peers.

• After a couple minutes of discussion, we will ask each group to give us their definition on the word "patriarchy," and write some of the answers on the whiteboard

Examples from the text:

• Patriarchy's defining elements are its male-dominated, male-identified, and male-centered character, but this is just the beginning. At its core, patriarchy is a set of symbols and ideas that make up a culture embodied by everything from the content of everyday conversation to literature and film. - pg. 84

Question #2: What are the effects of the patriarchy?

• Once again, we will have the students discuss this question amongst themselves, and thenpresent their answer. This follows the same reasoning as the previous question; we want the students to actively think about these concepts

• They are also allowed to draw directly from the text if they wish to, but hopefully after the initial discussion the students will be in more of a critical thinking mindset.

• After writing some answers on the board, what we will do next is (facetiously) google "effects of patriarchy"

• This is what comes up when you google "effects of patriarchy".

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Other Subject: What are the effects of the patriarchyafter writing some
Reference No:- TGS02376097

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