I. "What was the foul-smelling drug that was so widely used in mental hospitals before the 1950s?
II. Which use of a benzodiazepine (sedative vs. hypnotic) calls for a higher dose?
III. What is the relationship between psychological dependence and the time course of a drug's action?
IV. The barbiturates and benzodiazepines act at which neurotransmitter receptor?
V. Why should hypnotic drugs usually be prescribed only for a few nights at a time?
VI. What is zolpidem (Ambien)?
VII. What are the characteristics of the sedative-hypnotic withdrawal syndrome?
VIII. What happens to a person who takes an overdose of a sedative-hypnotic?
IX. How are the effects of the nitrites different from the effects of inhaled solvent fumes?
X. What are the effects of combining GHB with alcohol?"
"Consider the unintended consequences of adopting medically approved drugs and what is typically a medical procedure to end a person's life. Should physicians be involved? Can they justify doing so while still adhering to the Hippocratic oath to "do no harm"? What reasons do you think drug companies have for not wanting their products to be used for this purpose?"