
What are the distinguishing characteristics of the economic

1) What are the distinguishing characteristics of the economic systems labeled subsistence, commercial and planned? Are they mutually exclusive, or can they coexist within a single political unit?

2) How is intensive subsistence agriculture distinguished from extensive subsistence cropping? Why, in your opinion, have such different land use forms developed in separate areas of the warm, moist tropics?

3) Briefly summarize the assumptions and dictates of von Thunen's agricultural model.

4) What economic or ecological problems can you site that do or might affect the gathering industries of forestry or fishing? What is maximum sustainable yield? Is that concept related to the problems you discerned?

5) What simplifying assumptions did Weber make in his theory of plant location?

6) How in your opinion do the concepts or practices of comparative advantage and outsourcing affect the industrial structure of advanced or developing countries?

7) As high-tech industries and quaternary and quinary employment become more important in the economic structure of advanced countries, what consequences for economic geographic patterns do you anticipate, and why?

8) What have been the motivations and rewards of the outsourcing quaternary services by developed country firms? In what ways has that outsourcing favorably or unfavorably affected the home country economy of the outsourcing firms?

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Dissertation: What are the distinguishing characteristics of the economic
Reference No:- TGS02462065

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