1. What are the differences between Threats and Vulnerabilities?
2. How does Risk information change depending on different decision-makers? Describe one scenario and explain how different decision-makers (e.g., a facility manager, a governor, a public health official, or a federal infrastructure protection official, etc.) would have different needs for inputs and outputs.
3. What are the benefits of risk-based approaches? When might an examination of only one risk factor be appropriate for decision-making? And, when might only reviewing one risk factor lead to poor results?
500 words
APA format
3 sources
Reading Material
· DHS. (2011, April). Risk Management Fundamentals: Homeland Security Risk Management Doctrine, 1-15.
· Kaplan, S. & Garrick, J. (1981). On the Quantitative Definition of Risk, 1-9.
· Stern, P. & Fineberg, H. (1996, June). Understanding Risk: Informing Decisions in a Democratic Society. Chapters 1-2.
· Committee to Review the Department of Homeland Security's Approach to Risk & National Research Council of the National Academies. (2010). Review of the Department of Homeland Security's approach to risk analysis. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press.
· Testimony before Congress on TSA Risk Based Security Efforts. (2013, April 11).TSA'S Efforts to Advance Risk-Based Security: Stakeholder Perspectives.