
What are the differences between cell wall associated


Go to pages 1-5 of the article: Wall Teichoic Acid Function, Biosynthesis, and Inhibition to answer questions 1-3 below (30 words maximum per answer):

1. What are the differences between cell wall associated teichoic acids (WTA) and lipoteichoic acid (LTA)? WTA and LTA are modified by D-alanylation, a process that incorporates D-alanine into teichoic acids. How is D-alanylation beneficial for gram-positive bacteria?

2. How does cation-binding influence the stability of a gram-positive surface (cell wall)?

3. What roles are teichoic acids involved in that contribute to the stability of a gram-positive cell wall?

Correct the Statement: The statements from each question below are false. Correct the statement by crossing out a word/words. The statement must be correct, not partially correct.Please do not rewrite your corrected statement. You must cross out the word on this document, and manually correct each statement.

4. Lipoteichoic acids are seen within the plasma membrane of E. coli.

5. Lipopolysaccharides are molecules seen within the periplasm of gram positive bacteria.

Articlew: Wall Teichoic Acid Function, Biosynthesis, and Inhibition by Jonathan G. Swoboda, Jennifer Campbell, Timothy C. Meredith, and Suzanne Walker.

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Biology: What are the differences between cell wall associated
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