
What are the demographic characteristics of the people

Q1. What are the demographic characteristics of the people you hope to reach with an advocacy message about why electric cars are NOT the future? For example, are you hoping to influence Baby Boomers, Millennials, or people in Gen Z? Males, females, or both? People with a high school, college, or advanced degree? High, middle, or low-income individuals? Justify your answer with research that supports your choices.

Q2. Conduct basic research to learn about the general demographic characteristics of Tumbler audiences. How likely is it that you will be able to reach your desired audience on the platform?

Q3. What are some likely assimilation or contrasting effects that could be related to the persuasion context you've chosen (i.e., Facebook, blog site)? In other words, how might your choice of platform influence the likelihood that your messages will fall into the Latitude of Acceptance, the Latitude of Rejection, or the Latitude of Noncommitment for your desired receivers?

Q4. Speaking of messaging, what is the possible range of positions related to your topic? Show a chart showing potential positions organized in a continuum from one extreme to another. Insert the chart and explain the various positions on it. Which positions will likely fall into the Latitude of Acceptance for your desired audience members? Explain.

Q5. Social judgment theory suggests that changing an audience's attitude can occur all at once but can also occur as an incremental (a little at a time) process. Does the issue you are addressing warrant an incremental approach? Explain.

Q6. Would it be ethical for you to represent your advocacy position as less extreme than it really is to help your messages fall into the Latitude of Acceptance of more people? How about casting an opposing position as more extreme to encourage it to fall into more receivers' Latitudes of Rejection?

Q7. Researchers have demonstrated that in some cases, messages falling in the Latitude of Noncommitment can result in attitude and behavior change. What messages could you include in your advocacy project to appeal to receivers with relatively wide Latitudes of Noncommitment?

Q8. Recall that the more credible a source is perceived to be, the more likely an audience will accept message discrepancy from that source. What can you do to enhance the credibility of your site and the messages you display on it?

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