Essay on Adaptive Organizations: How will you use Structure in your Ideal Organization?
Considering whether your environment requires a mechanistic or organic structure, how would you use specific structural elements in building your ideal organization? You can ALSO create a picture/ drawing/ chart/ or diagram to communicate your desired organizational structure.
(Reference the text to answer the questions below and any other material that you may want to utilize.)
Specifically, Please use these questions as the structure of your essay:
1. • What are the demands from your organization's environment?
2. • Would you use departments? How?
3. • Would you use a matrix? Do your people have the maturity?
4. • What structure to control delegated Decision Authority?
5. • How would you use Job Design?
6. • What would it feel like to work there?
Please write a Minimum of two page including a diagram.
Using a single space and MLA Format.