What are the december 31 2017 post-closing balances - you

Provided below are pre-closing account balances on December 31, 2017 from the Aquatic Center Enterprise Fund:

Cash and Cash Equivalents                                                      $ 182,240

Accounts Receivable                                                                       5,225

Supplies                                                                                          8,225

Restricted Cash and Cash Equivalents                             942,000

Land                                                                                        1,400,000

Buildings and Equipment (B&E)                                                925,000

Accumulated Depreciation - B&E                                                41,625

Improvements Other Than Buildings (IOTB)                            4,715,000

Accumulated Depreciation - IOTB                                              212,175

Current Portion of L-T Debt                                                        281,600

Bonds Payable                                                                         6,195,200

Net Position - Net Investment in Capital Assets                           174,010

Net Position - Restricted                                                             867,000

Net Position - Unrestricted                                                            84,030

Charges for Services                                                                 2,040,000   

Interest and Dividend Income                                                        92,500

Personnel Expenses                                                                  1,034,000

Utilities Expense                                                                         188,500

Repairs & Maintenance Expense                                                   82,100

Supplies Expense                                                                          67,200

Depreciation Expense                                                                  136,960

Interest Expense                                                                          323,840

Additional information concerning the Aquatic Center Fund:

  • All bonds payable were used to acquire property, plant, and equipment.
  • Each year a payment is required on January 1 to retire an equal portion of the bonds payable. The payment for the current year was paid on January 1, 2017.
  • Equipment was sold for cash at its carrying value of $9,250.
  • Total cash received from customers was $2,038,355 and cash received for interest and dividends was $92,500; of this amount $75,000 was restricted cash. There were no other changes to restricted cash during the year.
  • Cash payments included $1,038,800 for personnel expenses, $185,800 for utilities, $86,225 for repairs and maintenance, $323,840 for interest on bonds, an $65,900 for supplies.
  • All costs, including repayment of debt are paid by user fees.

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What are the December 31, 2017 post-closing balances for the following:

Net Position - Net Investment in Capital Assets

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