
What are the current self-careresiliency themes being

  • What Does it mean to "Possess My Soul through Self-Care and Mentorship?

For me, "possessing my soul through self-care and mentorship" means daily time with God, practical care of my mind and body, and healthy communication with others. I have strong marriage and family relationships. But, this is still not enough for true balance in full-time ministry. The article Maintaining Personal Re- siliency: Lessons Learned from Evangelical Protestant Clergy (2003) backed this up. The article stated: "Extra-familial relationships also emerged as a crucial ele- ment for clergy... 35% emphasizing the importance of mentoring and accountabil- ity (Meek, K., McMinn, M., Brower, C., Burnett, T., 2003, Journal of Psychology and Theology, pg. 5 of PDF)

As a missionary, I have come to see mentorship as very important. Several years ago, I read the book, "Having a Mentor; Being a Mentor" by Donna Otto (2001). It has been easy to discover those God wants me to mentor, but more diffi- cult to find a mentor. I did have a peer-mentor for years, but she since moved away. We still use Skype. I get together with co-workers to share and pray, but we are not focused in on "mentoring", per say, which is described by Otto as "purposeful, in- tentional, and planned;... a transfer of wisdom based on one's life experiences..."

  • What is the Overarching Purpose of "Possessing My Soul?"

My overarching purpose is to glorify and please Christ. This must include overall health of my total being. In Care for Pastors: Learning From Clergy and Their Spouses", healthy adjustment is described as "the learning and utilization of effective coping resources and skills" (McMinn, M, Lish, R.,Trice, P., Root, A., Gilbert, N., and Yap, A., July 2005, Pastoral Psychology 53.6, pg. 565). One cop- ing skill for me has been singing or listening to worship music. Other imperative coping skills include prayer, being able to say "no" when necessary, getting enough rest and "alone time", communicating with my husband and family, exercising, and keeping "mentorship" a priority.

  • What are the Current Self-care/Resiliency Themes being discussed in the readings and literature?

The most challenging article for me in this assignment was "Four Friends You'll Want in Your Life Today (2009). The author mentioned the importance of having a prophet, a cheerleader, a harasser, and a guide (mentor) (Branch, 2009, OUP blog, para.4). In 4 Types of People Every Pastor Needs in His Life, Warren mentions: "But you don't just need mentors. You need models... friends... co- workers... mentors." (Warren, 2013, Pastors.com, para. 7).

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