What are the consequences of the violation

Problem: You are an administrator in a very busy clinic in the same managed care organization (MCO) as the local hospital.  Five of your providers (Dollar Docs) regularly refer to a nearby home health agency the five own. The home health agency is the sole provider of home health services in a five-county area. The home health agency wants to expand and open more home health agencies in other counties and be the sole provider in those counties as well.  The home health agency is located in Maryland which requires a certificate of need for home health.  The home health agency would like to employ a physician.

What laws (from the list in part 1) does this arrangement violate? Why? What are the consequences of the violation(s)?

Create an action plan with three actions you could take to correct the problem including the specific compliance strategy selected.

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Other Subject: What are the consequences of the violation
Reference No:- TGS03369262

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