
What are the consequences of the violation

Assignment Task: Strategic Compliance with the Law

You are an administrator in a very busy clinic in the same managed care organization (MCO)  as the local hospital. Five of your providers (Dollar Docs) have office space in the hospital and they regularly refer to a nearby home health agency including five they own. The Dollar Docs give you data from their practice in order for you to prepare an SEC report each year. You find out they have been "inflating" numbers to show even more profit than they have actually earned.  They also refuse to provide charity care for those who come into for services they provide.

What laws (from those your group was assigned to evaluate) does this arrangement violate? Why? What are the consequences of the violation(s)?

Create an action plan with three actions you could take to correct the problem including the specific compliance strategy selected.

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Other Subject: What are the consequences of the violation
Reference No:- TGS03307643

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