The topic is "the incredible shrinking computer"
Create a 3000 words:
The story should follow the plot outline below.
Step 1: Build the World
Who are the main characters? Where do they live? When? Select a date that is just on the other side of plausibility.
Step 2: Insert Technology Inflection Point
Choose a technology you are worried or excited about. What happens in the story that causes that same concern or excitement?
Step 3: Explore the Ramifications
What are the consequences of the inflection point or conflict? How are the characters or setting affected?
Step 4: Insert Human Inflection Point
How do the main characters adapt to what is going on? How do they change? What decision do they make?
Step 5: Reveal What We Learned
How does the setting or the main character change as a result of their reaction or interaction with the technology?