
What are the consequences of not addressing this issue what

According to NACCHO's MAPP User Handbook:

"During this phase of the MAPP process, an ordered list of the most important issues facing the community is developed. Strategic issues are identified by exploring the convergence of the results of the four MAPP Assessments and determining how those issues affect the achievement of the shared vision." (NACCHO, n.d.)

The student will provide:

A brief synthesis and analysis of the results of the four MAPP assessments and how they interact to create a picture of the community in Niles,ILLINOIS. The following questions can be used to help identify the strategic issues in the community (MAPP User Handbook, pg.78----FOR PAGE 78 PLEASE CLICK ON WEB LINK AT THE END OF EMAIL)

Identify the strategic issue. Phrase the issue as a question. (Example: How can the public health community ensure access to population-based and personal health care?)

Why is this an issue? What convergence of external opportunities and threats, system strengths and weaknesses, health status findings or community themes make this an issue?

What are the consequences of not addressing this issue?

A description of the method used to identify the top three priority health issues to address in the community of Niles in illinois(e.g. Hanlon Method)

A description of the top three priority health issues and the process of how they were prioritized. The student should provide a decision matrix or the steps followed using the Hanlon method in an appendix which includes the top health issues for the community in Niles, ILLINOIS, the criteria used for ranking and the actual ranking or scores of each of the health issues.

Conduct a health problem analysis on the number one priority health issue that includes a health problem analysis worksheet. A narrative description of the analysis should be included in the paper.

Your paper should be typed, up to five (5) pages in length, and follow the APA Style which includes using a cover page, one inch margins, double spaced, and 12 inch Times New Roman font with a reference page.

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Management Theories: What are the consequences of not addressing this issue what
Reference No:- TGS01181646

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Anonymous user

4/7/2016 7:23:14 AM

You need to explore your assignment with the all assessment that is as According to NACCHO's MAPP User Handbook: "During this phase of the MAPP procedure, an ordered list of the most significant problems facing the community is expanded. Strategic issues are identified by exploring the convergence of the results of the four MAPP Assessments and determining how those issues affect the achievement of the shared vision." (NACCHO, n.d.) The student will provide: A brief synthesis and analysis of the consequences of the four MAPP assessments and how they interact to make a picture of the community in Niles, ILLINOIS. The subsequent questions can be utilized to help identify the tactical issues in the community (MAPP User Handbook, pg.78 for page 78 please click on web link at the end of email) Recognize the al tactics problems. Phrase the problems as a question. (Instance: How can the public health community make sure access to population-based and personal health care?)