What are the consequences for her her family her workplace

Discussion Post

1) Client information and presenting problem

a) Identify the client (gender, age, race, profession).

b) Identify the addiction that this client presents with.

i) Does she have a substance addiction like alcohol, prescriptions, or illicit drugs?
ii) Does she have a process addiction like gambling, video gaming, or shopping?

c) Provide the history of the addiction. (Is it a substance or process addiction?)

i) What is the history of the addiction? Remember, there are many types of addiction, and not all were defined around that time. For example, video game addiction was not officially defined until 1995, while alcohol addiction was defined in 1941.

d) What is the impact of her addiction on herself, her family, her community, and/or society?

i) What are the consequences for her, her family, her workplace, and her community due to the addiction?
ii) Has she lost her family, job, friends, community standing, self-esteem, credibility, freedom?

2) Results

a) Discuss the results of this case.

i) Did the client respond positively to the treatment?
ii) Did the client relapse?

The response must include a reference list. Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: What are the consequences for her her family her workplace
Reference No:- TGS03205330

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