
What are the consequence of lowered birth rates to societies


These are "think" questions; you will not find a single, simple (or perfect) answer to them in the book. They are designed for you to use what you read in the textbook to think through the issues. Personal feelings and opinions will often come into play but be sure that your answer is grounded in our scholarly study of the subject and that your answer demonstrates that you have read and understood the chapter.

A. What is sustainable population growth? Do definitions of "sustainable" change by country?

B. Can we expect developing nations to rapidly reduce their rate of population growth through industrialization that took developed nations two hundred years to achieve?

C. What are the consequences of lowered birth rates to societies?

D. What kinds of aid programs could help impoverished nations fight malnutrition and disease?

E. Would the relocation of multinational companies from the US to the developing world and the hiring of developing world workers improve their economies?

F. How does colonization rob a colonized country of its social identity? How does it affect the identity of the colonizing country?

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Reference No:- TGS03250038

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