
What are the conflict solution techniques

Discuss the below:

Identify a conflict that you have recently encounteredin a group-either a personalen counter,professional encounter or do research and pick a group conflict with interesting dynamics.

Prepare a 700 -1000 word essay in which you reconstruct the facts of the conflict and propose a possible solution.The focusof the paper should not be on the conflict and possible solution,but on the process followed in coming to a solution.

Address the following;

-What was the conflict about and what was the proposed solution?

-How did the individuals of the group use their personal strengths to come up with a solution to the conflict?

-What other conflict solution techniques could the group have applied to solve the problem/

How did the group arrive at a decision/

type in Arial font 11 with headings in Arial font 12 bold

use 1.5 line spacing

References according to Harvard reference format..

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Other Subject: What are the conflict solution techniques
Reference No:- TGS01966573

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