
What are the components of this designidentify a study

Subject Long Project (SLP)


Once a research hypothesis is formulated, the researcher must decide upon an appropriate study design to test that hypothesis.

For the research topic ‘Obesity and Diabetes Risk', the research question and the hypothesis can be stated as:

Research question: Does obesity increase the risk of developing diabetes?

Hypothesis: Obesity increases body's insulin resistance and thus increases the risk of developing diabetes.

In doing so, she must take into consideration the extent to which that design will optimize the internal validity of her study findings (refer again to the discussion of internal validity in Module 2).

Also to be considered are the practical factors that may facilitate or inhibit implementation of particular study designs (e.g., limited access to one's target population over time due to transiency among prospective research subjects may preclude adoption of a cohort study design).

Your Task for this Assignment

With the aforementioned factors in mind, identify a study design that would be appropriate to test your study's research hypothesis, and address the following questions in a three-page essay:

1. What are the components of this design?

2. Would this design be considered experimental or observational? Why?

3. Why did you choose this design over others? Be sure to note all advantages and disadvantages of employing this design to address your particular research question.

4. To what types of bias is this design most vulnerable? Please explain.

SLP Assignment Expectations

1. You are expected to consult the scholarly literature in preparing your paper; you are also expected to incorporate relevant background readings.

2. Your paper should be written in your own words. This will enable me to assess your level of understanding.

3. In order to earn full credit, you must clearly show that you have read all required background materials.

4. Cite your references in the text of all papers and on the reference list at the end. For examples, look at the way the references are listed in the modules and on the background reading list.

5. Proofread your paper to be sure grammar and punctuation are correct and that each part of the assignment has been addressed clearly and completely.

6. Your assignment will not be graded until you have submitted an Originality Report with a Similarity Index (SI) score <20% (excluding direct quotes, quoted assignment instructions, and references). Papers not meeting this requirement by the end of the session will receive a score of 0 (grade of F).

Do keep in mind that papers with a lower SI score may be returned for revisions. For example, if one paragraph accounting for only 10% of a paper is cut and pasted, the paper could be returned for revision, despite the low SI score. Please use the report and your SI score as a guide to improve the originality of your work.

Length:3 pages typed, double-spaced.

Note: Wikipedia is not an acceptable source of information.

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Dissertation: What are the components of this designidentify a study
Reference No:- TGS02444463

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