
What are the components of gross national product

Response to the following in 250 to 300 words posting in which you respond thoroughly, with at least one library source in addition to your text.

1.Describe and assess how international law has addressed matters of trade, human rights, and the environment. How have these efforts contributed to developing or retarding the construction of global civil society? Why?

2.What are the components of Gross National Product (GNP)? How does it understate aggregate production in Third World countries where substantial economic production may be consumed directly and thus not reach markets where it can be measured? Finally, is per capita income (PCI) a good measure of the level of living people enjoy or are the data skewed, given substantial differences in the distribution of income especially in Third World countries?

If possible, please give examples to better understand your response.


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Other Subject: What are the components of gross national product
Reference No:- TGS01892053

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