
What are the complications of having four supply chains


Select one of the following cases.

1. Case Study 1: Darden's Global Supply Chains
2. Case Study 2: Supply Chain Management at Regal Marine

Case Study 1 Questions

1. What are the advantages of each of Darden's four supply chains?
2. What are the complications of having four supply chains?
3. How do Darden's four supply chains compare to those of other firms, such as Dell or an automobile manufacturer? Why do the differences exist, and how are they addressed?

Case Study 2 Questions

1. What other techniques might Regal use to improve supply chain management?
2. What kind of response might members of the supply chain expect from Regal because they're partnering in the supply chain?
3. Why is supply chain management important to Regal?

Each Case Study paper is to consist of the following components:

1. Title page and two written pages with no more than 500 words.
2. Answers to individual questions (as assigned)

Each assignment will have specific questions you need to address. You should create a sub-headed section for each one.

3. References/Appendix (if required)

These are not research papers per se, so you may not have the need to cite outside sources. If you do, however, they should be identified on a proper reference page. Similarly, if you are required to do calculations and choose to perform them on a separate page, you should include them in an appendix.

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Microeconomics: What are the complications of having four supply chains
Reference No:- TGS01855191

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