
What are the classes protected by the civil rights act of

1. What are the classes protected by the Civil Rights Act of 1964? What does Title VII of the Act require of employers regarding these classes? What are the training implications?

2. What are the two main requirements of employers made by the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)? Explain each. Why is the ADA so vague?

3. What is the Glass Ceiling? Have you or anyone you know of ever fallen victim to the Glass Ceiling?

4. You are in charge of preparing three engineers for six-month assignments in Tokyo, Japan. They will return to their current jobs when the assignment is completed. Two of the engineers are married. One of them has a daughter in high school. What should you do to ensure that these engineers will have a successful experience and the company will benefit as well?

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Operation Management: What are the classes protected by the civil rights act of
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