
What are the chief features of buddhism how do they differ

Part -1:

1. In what ways does the Aeneid fulfill its aim to pro-vide the Romans with a national epic?

2. Compare the Aeneid in respect to the Greek epics, the Iliad and Odyssey.

3. Describe in detail Augustus's use of the visual arts as instruments of propaganda. Arc there comparable examples of the arts used for political purposes in recent times?

4. What do the discoveries at Rome and Pompeii tell us about daily life in the Roman Empire? In what significant respects did it differ from life today?

Part -2:

1. The early civilization of the Indus Valley had many of the marks of a sophisticated culture, including a writing system.

This is still, however, undeciphered. If scholars one day decipher it, what new informa¬tion about the Indus Valley people could they hope to learn? Are there any other ancient cultures whose writing we have but cannot understand?

2. What are the chief features of Buddhism? How do they differ from traditional Hindu beliefr, and why did they induce many Indians to convert?

3. Both Buddhism and Hinduism have many followers today. What gives these religions their continuing appeal? More particularly, why does Buddhism con¬tinue to attract increasing numbers in the United States and other Western countries?

4. Indian art and literature was based in large mea¬sure on the great epic poems, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. What are the characteristics of their heroes? Illustrate them by describing two or three episodes.

5. Buddhism never acquired the same importance in China that Hinduism has always had in India. What effect has this had on the history of the two coun-tries, both in ancient times and today?

6. What light do Chinese painting and sculpture of the Han and T'ang dynasties cast on daily life in those times?

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Humanities: What are the chief features of buddhism how do they differ
Reference No:- TGS0965086

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