
What are the characteristics of traditional folk literature


Part 1:

1. According to your textbook, reading literature has an AESTHETIC outcome as well as an EFFERENT (informative) one. How does the AESTHETIC part of the experience set literature apart? (2-3 sentences)

2.What are the values of multicultural literature and why are they important? (2-3 sentences)

3. What characteristics of idea, plot, and characters found in young adult literature make it different from literature for young children? (2-3 sentences)

4.What are the characteristics of TRADITIONAL (FOLK) LITERATURE? (2-3 sentences)

5. Among the types of traditional literature, which one is best suited for an older child and why? (2-3 sentences)

6. While the ANTAGONIST in a work of literature is often another person, the protagonist might instead face what other kinds of CONFLICT? (2-3 sentences)

7. Describe one operation associated with thinking and give an example of a children's book that is a vehicle for encouraging children in that area.(2-3 sentences)

8.What must an author avoid in order to ensure ANIMAL REALISM in a work of literature? (2-3 sentences)

9.Explain how ILLUSTRATIONS work to amplify text in children's literature. When does this effort achieve "seamlessness"? (2-3 sentences)

10.What are the visual elements found in picture books? (2-3 sentences)

11.How do ROUND characters differ from FLAT, STEREOTYPED, or STOCK CHARACTERS? (2-3 sentences)

12. What are three distinct characteristics of books referred to as new realism? (2-3 sentences)

13.What aspect of growth and maturity are shown in adolescent realistic fiction? (2-3 sentences)

14. What is meant by INEVITABILITY in a story? Give an example from a work you've studied. (2-3 sentences)

15.. How do you gauge whether an author has overdone the SENSATIONALISM in a work for children? (2-3 sentences)

16.While a book with an EPISODIC PLOT lacks a central conflict and reads like a series of short "framed" stories linked together by continuing characters or a strong theme, a story with a CLASSIC PLOT presents a conflict and develops the action toward a climax. Then what happens? (2-3 sentences)

17.What is meant by UNITY OF CHARACTER AND ACTION? In your answer, give an example from a children's book that embodies this unity. (2-3 sentences)

18.What is an author's purpose in using SENTIMENTALITY? What happens if it is not handled well? (2-3 sentences)

19.What is the most important trait for a high quality fantasy story? (2-3 sentences)

20.What are two universal themes found in fantasy stories? (2-3 sentences)

Part 2:

(8-10 sentences)

In the Arizona Republic of August 8th, 1999, columnist Steve Wilson marked the hundred-year anniversary of E. B. White's birth, noting that of all the achievements of White's career, "none surpassed his children's classic, Charlotte's Web." More than ten million copies have been sold, he adds, and then quotes Eudora Welty's review in the New York Times, which said, "As a piece of work it is just about perfect." Wilson tells us that the book's "magic comes from the childlike sensibility it brings to such adult themes as loneliness, fear, callousness, sacrifice and death" (A2).

During the past few weeks, you have studied Charlotte's Web carefully and in a reading log, you discussed the book in detail. Now, think of it as Wilson describes it, as the highest example of excellence in children's literature and consider what, for you, most makes this work a true classic. For this part of the exam, you will present this viewpoint and defend your position. Write a complete paragraph of eight to ten well-developed sentences. Begin with a clear statement that identifies one specific characteristic that you believe most assures Charlotte's Web will remain an ongoing success. Then offer specific evidence from the book to substantiate your position. Be clear, concise, and organized in your response, which will be evaluated by how well you reveal your understanding of the work and the elements of children's literature.

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Dissertation: What are the characteristics of traditional folk literature
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