What are the characteristic of students reading difficulties

Homework: Lesson Plan and Delivery of Instruction

Develop a reading lesson for an LEP (limited English proficient) student with learning disabilities. Your lesson should address the student's strengths and weaknesses in his/her native language and in English while infusing ESOL standards and strategies when appropriate. This lesson plan should include instructional materials that reflect the cultural backgrounds of the student involved.

This homework is in four parts. Please address each one of them separately:

• Part I: Describe the student for whom you are developing this reading lesson. What are his/her strengths and weaknesses in his/her native language and in English, and special characteristics? Describe also the setting where this lesson will be implemented.

• Part II: Explain and justify your reason for selecting the lesson you plan to teach this student. What prerequisite skills should your student have in order to learn this lesson?

• Part III: Develop your lesson to include the following elements:

o Instructional Objectives
o Methods and Procedures
o Instructional Materials
o Accommodations for Learning Style of student
o Classroom Environment and Management Strategies
o Technology to be Used in Teaching and Learning
o Methods of Evaluation
o Sources/References

• Part IV: Describe how your lesson plan addresses the four questions below. Respond to each of the elements separately with details from your lesson plan. You need to describe how you are able to demonstrate instructional and assessment strategies in your lesson that address multiculturalism, anti-bias, and varying learning styles of your student.

o What are the characteristics of the student's reading difficulties?

o What prevention and intervention methods and strategies would you use with this student?

o What explicit and systematic instructional methods would you use for developing this student's reading fluency (e.g., practice with high-frequency words, timed readings, repeated readings, read alouds, choral reading, recorded books)?

o What explicit and systematic instructional methods and strategies would you use for facilitating this student's reading comprehension and critical-thinking skills (e.g., use of graphic and semantic organizers; use of multiple strategy instruction; teaching summarizing, monitoring comprehension, question answering, question generating, and recognizing story structure as comprehension strategies)?

Format your homework according to the give formatting requirements:

• The answer must be using Times New Roman font (size 12), double spaced, typed, with one-inch margins on all sides.

• The response also includes a cover page containing the student's name, the title of the homework, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

• Also include a reference page. The references and Citations should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Other Subject: What are the characteristic of students reading difficulties
Reference No:- TGS03160695

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