Discuss the below:
Q1. A May, 2004 news report indicated that George Bush 74% overall approval rating among Republicans. 26% of all others disapprove. Assume that 45 percent of registered voters are Republican. If you select a registered voter at random and the voter approves of the President's performance, what are the chances that the voter is a Republican?
Q2. A machine shop has six lathes and there is an 85 percent chance that a machine works on any given day. What are the chances of all six lathes working next Thursday? Assume a Bernoulli process.
Q3. A department store has classified its charge customers as either high or low volume purchasers. Thirty percent are high volume purchasers. If a sample of five people are randomly selected from the list of charge customers, what is the probability that none of them are high volume purchasers?