- This assignment covers lesson No. 23 - 28
- Last date for submission of assignment is May 1, 2016
- Give the answer according to question, no mark will be given for irrelevant material.
- Don't rely only on handouts; use other reference books & material as well.
- Mention the source (bibliography) which you are using for preparing your assignment.
- Basic concepts in the language and words which are mentioned or written in your source but the application of those concepts must be in your own words.
- Avoid long paragraph.
- Cheating or copying of assignment is strictly prohibited; No credit will be given to copied assignment.
- Make sure that you upload the solution before due date. No assignment will be accepted through e-mail after the due date under any condition.
- Once you upload the assignment on Columbus State University, it will not be replaced under any condition.
What are the challenges & opportunities in augmenting bilateral trade facilitation and transit trade between Pakistan and Afghanistan and linking it to enhanced regional cooperation in trade and transport?