
What are the causes andor effects of drug andor alcohol use


Write an essay of approximately 600-650 words in length discussing the cause(s) of a problem, condition, or event, or discussing the effect(s) of a problem, condition, or event, or both cause(s) and effect(s). Refer to The Norton Field Guide, Chapter 35, "Analyzing Causes and Effects" p.350-354. In addition, consult Michaela Cullington "Does Text Affect Writing?"p.129-136, and in Norton cht 12 p. 142-145 Jon Marcus' "The Reason College Costs More than You Think" for an example essay on Causal Analysis.

Topics for this essay: Choose one of these topics and write an essay on causes only (at least 3), effects only (at least 3), or a combination of both (at least 2 each). What are the causes and/or effects of cyberbullying through social media on teenagers? What are the causes and/or effects of drug and/or alcohol use in minors (teens)? What are the causes and/or effects teen pregnancy? What are the causes and/or effects of divorce on teens? What are the causes and/or effects of depression or anxiety in teens?

Develop a thesis statement that identifies the problem, condition or event and states your attitude or opinion as to the cause(s) or effect(s). Your essay must include an appropriate introduction, a good conclusion, and body paragraphs that fully develop the thesis in a series of well-organized sub-topics that support your position. The primary concern is establishing a strong cause and effect relationship, supported by specific facts from the film.

Your audience for this paper will be people who are connected to your topic. Your language and tone should address the subject in such a way as to be interesting to your audience while clearly establishing a cause and effect relationship.

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Dissertation: What are the causes andor effects of drug andor alcohol use
Reference No:- TGS02646248

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