
What are the broader issues or questions being addressed in


Article Review - Seminar in Marketing Article Review

Review should critique the central claims of the study or article, including the findings presented (if applicable). For the academic article, you should focus on some advertising, marketing, communication campaigns, or public relations concept or analytical framework. Then, in 2- 3 (or more) double-spaced pages, provide:

(1) a bibliographic citation of the article (APA style);
(2) a statement of the hypotheses tested or central claims addressed, identifying key concepts, variables, and linkages, as appropriate;
(3) a brief summary of the evidence provided or argument made (population studied, method, and a summary of findings)-do not focus on minute methodological details; and
(4) your own critique of the research or article, evaluating the quality and appropriateness of the framework employed, measurement used, relevance of the evidence, and internal coherence.

Note: Your reviews should provide more than a simple summary of the article and findings. In addition to the basic elements mentioned above, consider the following points (to the extent they are relevant) when writing your review:

• What are the broader issues or questions being addressed in the study or article? (for academic articles, this may be in the introduction, literature review, or discussion)

• After identifying the framework used to structure the study, or arguments used to make a case, assess whether it seems relevant and useful.

• For academic articles, assess the method(s) used - how appropriate are the methods employed for the questions that are asked?

• When considering a study's or article's broader implications, discuss and to some extent critique the author's conclusions. Decide whether you feel they are warranted by the data presented or argument made.

• Based on the results of the study, would you have arrived at a different conclusion? If so, why? If not, explain why not.

In your view, what might have been improved or done differently? In other words, what did the author potentially leave out or fail to consider? Address any lingering or unresolved issues, specific or general, that you see.

The purpose of this review assignment, is to provide you with some exposure to the breadth and depth of branding and communication campaign-related research and to begin developing an analytical view of the academic research. Do not worry if you are not able to answer ALL the questions.Don't panic looking at the length of the article!

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Marketing Management: What are the broader issues or questions being addressed in
Reference No:- TGS01493171

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