
What are the best and worst parts of our society

Assignment Task: Please watch the video from the link below:

YouTube Video: The Ideal Society


Please do not respond to the questions in the video, they are only for context. A response to a peer is encouraged but not required.

Regarding the United States, what are the best and worst parts of our society? Move from the general to the specific and consider some of the following areas that encompass a society (politics, education, culture/arts, technology, freedom, equality, environment/nature, finance, healthcare, legal system, transportation).  Considering these societal elements, if you were to design an ideal society, what would it look like/how would it function? Be pragmatic when you respond while avoiding grandiose ideas that you don't justify without proper reasoning (cause/effect); i.e. healthcare for all citizens costs money, so what are benefits and how can it be managed best? Consider current places/countries and systems that have proven effective (i.e Denmark).  As you argue your position, be sure to utilize the critical thinking elements you've learned in this course while also avoiding common pitfalls (ambiguities, fallacies, etc.). General and/or specific answers are fine but make an organized and cogent argument.

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